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loan shark 〔口語〕高利貸者。

loan shift

Indulgence in gambling often leads to obsessive gambling , ending up in heavy debts , involvement with loan sharks , deterioration in work performance , loss of job as well as family problems and disintegration 沉迷賭博往往令人不能自拔,最終導致嚴重負債、借取高利貸、工作表現受影響、失去工作、家庭破裂等問題,產生連鎖效應。

Secondly , in april 2000 , the cracking down on a loan shark syndicate which had operated from shenzhen sent a serious deterrent message to other active or potential debt collection syndicates 第二是在2000年4月,一個在深圳運作的跨境高利貸集團遭瓦解,對其他活躍或潛在的收債集團,起了相當的阻嚇作用。

On the loan sharking and illegal debt collection front , a total of five syndicates were neutralised and 60 members were arrested as a result of prolonged covert investigations 該科人員經長時間的調查后,年內共瓦解五個高利貸集團及拘捕60名成員,嚴厲打擊高利貸及相關罪行。

But when he impulsively sells the shop to a shady loan shark , he soon realizes just how important the neighborhood parlor is to him . and just how far he ll go to get it back 這家店不單是計們的工作間,更是街坊朋友的落腳地,在這里分享著彼此的故事趣聞經歷和痛苦。

Their activities are funded by enormous income from gambling , prostitution , pornography , narcotics , loan sharking , extortion , terror and violence 他們從賭博、賣淫、色情事業、毒品、高利貸、勒索、恐嚇及暴力活動獲得巨額收入,然后用以從事非法勾當。

Cherie chung cho - hung stars as a magical girl that lives inside a chinese unbrella , who helps an honorable young man and his uncle deal with a covetous loan shark 阿成得悉,請傘妖戲弄惡少,更暗中幫助凡叔在賭場獲勝,還清債項.可惜神傘的秘密被惡少發現.

This was the movie company ' s creativity . so we tried our hands at vandalism , just like how the “ ah longs ” ( loan sharks ) do it 這個是電影公司的創意,我們也來噴漆體驗一下當阿窿的滋味。

“ illegal gambling is invariably associated with other illegal activities such as loan sharking and debt collection 何志平說,非法賭博通常涉及其他非法活動,例如高利貸和收債罪行等。

This isn ' t a general database check . this is a felony - specific search for loan sharks 這根本不是一個普通的數據調查這是高利貸商的明細表

He ' s a merciless loan shark 他是高利貸吸血鬼

? loan shark . ? that ' s why we have to get back to the bureau ? “高利貸商”就是我們要回到警署的目標

Shing and betty want to find money to pay back the loan shark 圓要他扮作金山大少,向富商訛騙金錢。

For an ad for some loan sharks 是給一些非法貸款公司拍的廣告

Wait till the loan sharks get ahold of him 早晚高利貸會抓住他

When you were in trouble with loan sharks 你被高利貸困擾的時候

Loan shark . that ' s why we have to get back to the bureau “高利貸商”就是我們要回到警署的目標

Staying one step ahead of the loan sharks 不要跟高利貸騙子們接觸

When you were in trouble with loan sharks . . 你被高利貸困擾的時候…

Chairman baek ' s son used to be a loan shark 白會長兒子過去是貸款行家